Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity with Terri Pugh

29. When is a diet not a diet?

October 31, 2021 Terri Pugh Episode 29
Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity with Terri Pugh
29. When is a diet not a diet?
Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity
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We quit a diet and say we're not dieting any more, but are we really still dieting?
We start a new plan, maybe one that says you can eat whatever you want with no restrictions, so that's not a diet...... or is it? This week I'm talking about how if there are still restrictions, rules and limits to your plan it's still a diet, and how you may think you've quit your diet but your behaviour says you're still very much in a diet mentality.

I'm having far too much fun with the Family Fortunes buzzer sound, thanking my first Buy Me A Coffee supporter, talking about what's coming up in the group coaching sessions in November, and telling you how I skipped lunch and didn't die! I know, crazy right?

Happy Halloween everyone!

How to survive the Halloween food:

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Please note, this podcast is intended to be general information for entertainment purposes only. Any figures quoted are correct at the time of recording. As always, please seek the support of a registered professional before making changes to your diet or lifestyle⁠, or if you feel that you are affected by any of the topics discussed.


Related Topics:

Intuitive Eating, HAES, Health At Every Size, Body Positivity, Body Confidence, Body Positive, Anti Diet, Non Diet, Diet Culture, Food Freedom, Fat Acceptance, Fat Liberation, Self Care, Weight Loss, Eating Disorder, Eating Disorder Recovery, Disordered Eating, Nutritional Therapy, Slimming World, Weight Watchers, Cambridge Diet, Cambridge Plan, 121 Diet, Lighter Life, Noom, Coaching, Healing, Health, Wellness, Calorie Counting, Macros


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A quick heads up - my transcriptions are automatically generated. I do not type them manually. For this reason there may be errors, incorrect words, bad spelling, bad grammar, and other things that just seem a little 'off'. You'll still be able to understand what is being said though, so please just ignore that and enjoy the episode.

Welcome to Intuitive Eating and Body Positivity Podcast podcast. I'm Terri, and I'll be talking about all things intuitive eating, body positivity and health at every size and shaking off weight stigma, diet culture and food rules so that we can all have a better relationship with food and our bodies.


All right treacle?


Hello. Trying to think of a new way to say hello each week. I think it sounds like I'm a recording when I just go "Hello" every single week. So how are you anyway?


Are you well? Have you had a good week? My week's been fine. I always say that as well. I don't know. My week's been fine. Well, it has. I mean, it's quite nice. Quite nice that my weeks are just fine. What Has happened this week?


We had a birthday in the office. That meant a lot of birthday food, obviously, and it consisted of lots of things like nice bread and some meats and some cheese, loads of side snacks, lots of sweet stuff, lots of cake.


First appearance of a Yule log. Do you know what a Yule log is? Like a chocolate log. Chocolate Swiss roll. Typically, Christmas. I'm all about Christmas, so that's all good. Yeah. Good food to be had this week. Talking of Christmas we also had Christmas songs on in the office. I know it hasn't even been Halloween yet, but I love Christmas, so prepare yourself for a lot of excitement as Christmas arrives from me. Yeah.


So good food in the office this week. I wasn't that fussed by it. I really liked all the food that was there. I had some. It was good. Wasn't totally into it so I just didn't have too much, really. And that is the beauty of intuitive eating. It means that when things like these events come along, if you're not really into the food that day, it doesn't matter.


You just don't have it because you know that there are going to be other days, other events, more food. That's not the last time in my life that I was ever going to be able to have food like that, and that's the mental turnaround, isn't it?


When we're on a diet, we're constantly thinking about all of the food that we have to eat in that moment, in that day, because if we don't we don't know when the next time is that we're going to be able to have it.


So that's the beauty of it. It's just there if you want it. If not, it's absolutely fine, and that's how I felt about it this week. Wasn't really bothered by it. Nice bread, though. Really nice bit of food there. I did have some. Don't get me wrong. Just didn't fill my face with it as I might do some days. What else?


Oh, here's another one. Guess what? I skipped lunch and I didn't die. You know, when you're on a diet and all you can think of is your next meal, that's commonplace with dieting, because it fixates you on meals. It fixates you on food. You're always thinking about when the next bit of food is and what it's going to be and is it going to satisfy you, and what can you have after that, and then how many hours until the next meal? Know what I mean?


This week lunchtime came around and I just didn't fancy it. We had the toasty maker out in the office again. Have I told you about the toasty maker yet? I can't remember. We've got a kind of a grill thing at work and it means that we've been making toasted sandwiches.


Yum. I think in the States, it would be a grilled cheese. Is that right? Somebody tell me. Anyway, toasted sandwiches. Yum. Love toasted sandwiches. Got great memories of toasted sandwiches from when I was little. We used to have them Sunday tea time after a bath night before school.


It's just a nice childhood memory for me, toasted sandwiches. Anyway, the toasted sandwich maker comes out quite often at the moment. The weather's getting a bit cooler, so they're nice, warm lunches, and our offices are not very warm most of the time. Anyway, toasted sandwiches.


Everybody's setting them up, doing their bread, doing the cheese, doing the filling to go with the cheese. Except for one girl who doesn't like cheese. What a mad woman she is anyway, each to their own. Setting up these toasties and they were like, Terri, you're going to come and have yours now, come and sort yours out. I was like, yeah, I don't really fancy one thanks.


I took myself by surprise. I was like, I don't actually fancy one. Don't fancy one at all. In fact, I don't fancy anything. In fact, I'm not actually that hungry.


So in the allotted lunch break at work, there was no lunch. Now go back. Again, go back to dieting again. That before would have put me into some kind of tailspin. Oh, that would have absolutely ruined my afternoon.


I would have been constantly thinking and panicking, actually, about when the next meal was and how long it was going to be until I could have my evening meal. Could I have snacks in the afternoon? What have I got that I can eat? Oh, my God, I can't be hungry. But again, when you take that mindset away and you take away the fear that you can't have food again, these times become absolutely fine.


I wasn't hungry. I didn't want to eat. I didn't even fancy it. Sometimes you're not hungry, but you do fancy it. Well, I didn't.


And there was other food around that would see me through the afternoon if and when I got hungry, so it was all good. I love days like this now. I love these little moments that creep up every now and again. I surprise myself so often. These moments happen and it's a complete turnaround.


And in my head, I'm like, yeah, this is good. This is a good way to be living. So if you are working towards intuitive eating, it's a long, long process, right? There's so much to think of. There's so many old habits and thought patterns to unpick.


But if you can recognise these moments in your days where you know you've made some kind of turnaround that will keep you going that will keep you on track, on track for a better relationship with food.


Anyway, I think that's my week summed up.


I haven't eaten all the Halloween sweets either. That's a nice little turnaround. Halloween is a funny one, isn't it? Because there's always so much food around and there's always bowls of sweets by the front door, ready for the trick or treaters and things. You tell yourself you've got to stay away from them, you're not allowed them. Too much sugar, too many calories, not enough syns or points in your plan left to eat them. Whatever your thought process is there, you find yourself telling yourself that you can't eat them and you do everything you can to stay away from them.


And then the trick or treaters come and go and there's some left over and it's like free reign to eat all of the sweets and then feel the guilt after. Well, no. No more thank you very much. Absolutely not. No guilt needs to be attached to these sweets that we've got lying around, ready for the trick or treaters.


No guilt needs to be attached to the food that we're going to eat. Maybe at Halloween parties and things or the drink or anything like that. We're just going to enjoy it, right? It's just going to be good fun and good food and drinks. In previous years I would have bought the sweets or chocolate or whatever it was that I bought for Halloween and then I would have eaten them and then I would replace them, ready for the trick or treaters.


But this year I haven't bothered. I really haven't bothered. They are still sat in the kitchen in full view. So they're there for me to see and to taunt me over regularly. But I'm really not bothered.


I've had a couple. Literally two. I've got mini bags of Haribo sweets and I've literally had two packets out of a big bag of 60. So yeah, they've not really bothered me. They're just there waiting for trick or treaters, and maybe they'll come today, maybe they'll come tomorrow, but the sweets will sit there.


I'm not really bothered by them. Again, beauty of your intuitive eating, isn't it, eh?


Did you read the blog post that I was talking about last week on Halloween and how to think about your relationship with these treat foods that are going to be around? Have a little look. I'll put the link in the show notes again, but it's a bit of a blog post on how you can reframe the way you're thinking about the sweets and party food and stuff like that. Have a little look.


Right? Today's episode is called "When is a diet not a diet". So here it goes. When is a diet not a diet?




Were you waiting for a punchline? There is no punchline.


This is exactly the point of today's episode. Lots of diets are masquerading as non diets. Lots of diets. They're pretending to be intuitive eating at the moment drives me crazy. If there are rules and restrictions attached to it, it is not intuitive eating. Just going to put that out there.


If there is some kind of system that you have to adhere to, then it is not intuitive eating.


Noom is a prime example. They are actually paying to rank at the top of your first page. When you do a Google search for intuitive eating, don't click on the links. Don't give them the satisfaction. Don't give them the attention. They are not intuitive eating. Only intuitive eating is intuitive eating.


These are the diets, these are the plans, which have got rules and things in place. They have got calories and points and things like that. They are not intuitive eating so don't be tempted to click on these links when you see them. Skip past the ads and have a look at the first couple of listings. See what comes up there instead. Just a little word of advice.


So I thought we would have a little bit of conversation about how you can tell if the thing you're looking at is a diet or actual intuitive eating, which I'm telling you, it is not. Spoiler alert! But also to tell you that you might actually still be dieting, even if you think you're not dieting. So we're going to have a little look into that a bit.


So if you have got rules and restrictions in place about what you can eat and when you can eat it, then you are still on a diet. Even if you're not following a plan anymore, you've stopped your Slimming world, you've stopped your Cambridge shakes, you've stopped going to Weight Watchers. You've stopped all of these things and you think you are not dieting anymore. There is a chance that if you're quite new to this, you are still dieting. And that's because when we stop dieting, we still take on with us some of the rules and restrictions that we're so used to putting in place. We still have the diet mentality even if we're not following the diet.


I think a good rule of thumb is to consider the phrase "as long as".


I can eat whatever I want, as long as I can eat as much as I want, as long as I only have a certain amount of each food. So you've decided you're not dieting anymore. You've got rid of the actual diet plans, but you're still restricting the amount of food that you can eat.


So maybe you are restricting the amount of times a day that you have bread, because that's an old habit, right? You can't have bread for breakfast and bread for lunch. No, that's a mentality we quite often take with us when we stop these diets.


So if you are still restricting the amount of a certain type of food or the amount of food you're having overall, even if you're not actually counting, that is still diet mentality.


I can eat as much as I want as long as it fits my macros or my calories for the day. You know that one. These plans online, these clever, clever plans that say you can eat as much as you want anything that you want, you can eat whatever you choose, and then they give you a limit of how many macros or how many calories you can eat.


You have to make the food fit into a certain amount of protein and carbs and fat for the day in order to have optimum energy input, or you have to stay within a certain amount of calories per day. Whether that's because it's been set by somebody or even worse, you're using an app like my fitness pal, where they set you at a silly low amount of calories for the day, and then you're trying desperately to eat all these things that they say you rely to eat within a tiny amount of calories. So if you are restricting the amount of calories and things that you're able to have in a day, then you, my friend, are still dieting, I'm afraid.


What about this one? I can have as much food off that buffet as I like, as long as I don't have any meals for the rest of the day. You familiar with that one? It's easy, isn't it to say okay, I'll join in with the birthday food.....


This could have been very easy for me to do this week. I will join in with that birthday food, but I will not eat for the rest of the day, because then it will be fine. Well, no, it's always fine. You can choose to eat whatever you want off that buffet or whatever it is that you are in your head restricting for yourselves. You can eat whatever you want to eat.


You don't have to restrict the rest of the day or tomorrow. That's the other one, isn't it? Oh, I can have as much as I want of this as long as I cut back a bit tomorrow. That's a common one. We do let ourselves eat things because then tomorrow we're going to cut back tomorrow. When we get up, we're going to be really, really good.


But that's still dieting. That's not allowing yourself food freedom. That's not allowing yourself unconditional permission to eat those foods because you are still putting some kind of consequence to it. You're still telling yourself that if you do that, you have to do something else to make up for it.


Okay. I can eat as much as I like at lunchtime as long as I go to the gym after work or I can eat as much as I want at this meal out tonight, as long as I go to the gym first thing in the morning. So this is the same thing. Just repackaged really.


This is the same rules and restrictions you're putting on yourself. The same consequences for eating something that you shouldn't have eaten in your head. You're giving yourself this permission to eat the food, but it's not unconditional permission because you're still putting a consequence on that action. You are saying to yourself that you will eat this food now and to hell with it, I'm going to eat it, whatever. And then you're going to make up for it later.


And whether that is cutting back on food or going to the gym to burn off calories or however you see it, whichever way you look at it, you're still putting consequences on eating. I can eat whatever I want, as long as it's the right time of day.


Anyone here intermittent fasting here? Intermittent fasting isn't a diet, though, right? Because you really can eat whatever you want yeah? 


No, I need to enter in there the family fortunes "wrong" noise. Anybody heard that? I'm going to find it. Hang on.....


***sound of the sound effect from Family Fortunes when a contestant gets it wrong***


That's what I want you to hear now, every time you hear a "no", and this is a big fat nope.


Intermittent fasting. Yes. You can have whatever you like to eat, fine, but what you're doing is you're restricting the amount of time that you're allowed to eat in, and that's just more rules. That's just more restriction, isn't it?


So by the very nature of cutting back the hours that you're allowed to eat, you're going to be cutting back the amount of calories that you're taking in and you are going to be so desperate to eat that by the time those hours come around that you're allowed to eat in, that you're going to binge and then you're not doing anything except creating misery for yourself.


You're making yourself wait to then cram in food to those hours that you've allowed yourself to eat. There's always some kind of dieting reason behind intermittent fasting as well, isn't there? There's always an intention of making yourself thinner, losing some weight. It's always there at the back of your mind, and so as long as you are doing intermittent fasting, as long as you are restricting the hours in the day that you are eating, you are placing rules and restrictions on yourself. You are dieting.


I can eat as much as I want as long as I'm hungry. Now I know here you are thinking. Isn't that what intuitive eating is? Yes and no. It's a little bit more complex than that. Yes, you are in intuitive eating tuning into your hunger and your fullness signals. Yes, you are going to be a bit more mindful about that, and you are going to understand how your body feels when you are hungry, how it feels when you are full, and you're going to use those cues to decide whether you want to eat or you want to stop eating or not.


But that is not what you are basing your sole decision whether to eat or not on. So there are other things that come into play. You're also going to consider whether you actually just really want something to eat, whether you feel like you need something to eat, you don't always have to be hungry to eat.


There can be other driving factors, things like tiredness. We always want more carbs when we're tired and that's our body trying to get some energy in. So you might not necessarily be hungry, but you might be desperate for some bread or some biscuits or some cake or whatever it is that you are really wanting to eat. And that's not because you're hungry.


That's because you're trying to get energy or it might be around the time of your period because it's a known proven fact that there are times of the month where you do need to eat more carbs. For example, lots of women find that they just want to eat more just before their period or while they're on their period and that's perfectly normal. It's a biological response. It doesn't have to be driven by hunger.


So whereas, yes, there are hunger and fullness cues at play in intuitive eating, you're not solely basing your decision to eat on that. What you can find when you are trying to "be good" is that you're telling yourself that you shouldn't be eating because you only had lunch an hour ago. Or how can I be hungry because I just had breakfast. How can I be hungry? I had a really big dinner or the other way around.


I can't eat yet. I'm not hungry. I can't eat yet because I'm not hungry. I'm only going to eat when I'm hungry. I'm only going to eat when I'm hungry and I'm going to stop when I'm full. No, that's rules that's restriction.


Here's a good one. I'm not dieting as long as I only do this for a short time. Who here is now hearing Clean9, or keto, or juicing, intermittent fasting again. That's not a diet, right, because it's only going to be for a short time. It's only going to be for a week.


Hang on, wait for it. ****plays Family Fortunes "nope" sound****. I'm having far too much fun with this.


No, if you are restricting, no matter how long for, you are still dieting. If you are having nothing but fruit juice just for a week, you are dieting. If you are doing a Clean9, having nothing but that aloe vera gloop, which tastes disgusting, and a bit of food in the evening, it's only a week right, that's not a diet? Very much is a diet.


And, drumroll please. Here is the "as long as" to end all "as long as-es". I can eat what I want as long as I overhaul my diet and change my eating habits completely because this is a lifestyle change.


How many times have you done a lifestyle change? How many non diets have you done? How many of those "it's not a diet. It's a lifestyle change" have you done?


It's ridiculous the amount that I've done. It's never a lifestyle change is it because there are always still rules attached to it. There's always still things you have to abide by. Lifestyle changes always mean that you're not going to eat the stuff that you're used to eating anymore. So there is a rule, for starters.


You're going to change the food that you eat. You're going to change your style of eating. You're going to change the food you buy. You can eat whatever you want, as long as it's completely different to everything you've ever eaten before. These diets are never a lifestyle change. They're really not.


You cannot overhaul the food that you eat and say that it is a sustainable lifestyle change. There are things that you can do which will improve your relationship with food going forward. There are things that you can do to improve the nutrition going forward. You can add things into your diet and you can try and incorporate new things going forward, and that is a good change, but it's not a lifestyle change.


A lifestyle change implies that you've got to overhaul things massively, so if you are considering changing your way of eating, your preferred foods, the foods that you buy from the supermarket, that is changing and is diet mentality wrapped up in something that sounds like it's going to be your forever and a day.


Now I know that these thoughts are difficult to escape. I know that diet mentality is hard to get rid of, and that's because we do it for such a long time. We have these things ingrained in us for years and years and years, so you're never just going to turn that off. You're never just going to reverse all of your thinking patterns, but you can start to work on them. There are things that you can do.


Here are some new things that you can think of. Let's get rid of that "I can eat as much as I want as long as......". Let's get rid of these "as long as" right.


We're just going to eat whatever we want to eat as long as.......  I was going to say, as long as you don't have intolerances and allergies! That is still a valid "as long as" but we're going to get rid of the diet mentality "as long as" and we're going to replace it with something a bit more positive.


When you're considering eating, we need to ask yourself if there is a right way or wrong way to do something. If you are thinking that you can have the toast, but you will have a low fat spread on it, for example, you've put a rule in place. There is a right and a wrong way to do it in your head.


So we are going to start recognising whether you're thinking there is something right or wrong in the food that you're eating. I'm going to try and turn that around and reverse that thought.


This thought also applies when you're looking at programmes and just diets really. If you are considering changing your eating habits to follow something that's being advertised, ask, Is there a right or wrong way to do it? Because if there is a wrong way to do it, it is a diet. If there are rules in place, if there are restrictions in place, even if they say you can eat everything you want, but if there is a way to do it wrong, it is still a diet. When you come to choose what you want to eat, you need to start thinking about do I want to eat it? 


So let's go back to the buffet at work situation. There is a table full of food ahead of you and on that food is a lot of food that you like. But do you want it? If you look at that food and you really want it, then you should eat it. Not honouring that want for food is going to put you into the restrict binge cycle. All you're going to do for the next couple of hours is think about the food that you really wanted off the table, right.


If you look at that food dough and you don't really want it. If those crisps don't take your fancy, if you don't really want the sausage roll, if you don't want a slice of cake, then common sense says don't eat it.


It's easier said than done sometimes I know, because diet mentality teaches us that we might not get that food again for quite some time. But actually you can have that food pretty much whenever you want. I say this with a degree of privilege I know because not everybody is financially in the position or lives in an area where they can access food or is just for whatever reason in a situation where they can't just access food. So I talk very generally, but on the whole, if you don't eat a piece of cake, it's okay because on your way home you can stop at the shop and buy some cake.


I put a picture up on Instagram. I think it was last week, week before, and it was a picture of a cake and it said, "how have I only just realised that I am a fully grown adult and if I want to go to the shop and buy some cake, then I will". How mad is that?


Just think about that for a minute. I am a grown adult. If I want to go to the shop and buy some cake, nobody's going to stop me, are they? I'm a grown up. If I want to eat cake, if I want to eat chocolate, if I want to eat fruit, if I want to eat vegetables, whatever. I'm an adult. I can make that choice. I can eat what I want.


And you kind of have to apply that a little bit. If you want some cake, have some cake. If you don't want it at that time but you're a little bit worried that you might not have that food again for quite a long time, and you really don't want to go without well, then let's rejig that. Let's think, okay, I might not have that cake now, but if I want to go to the shop and get a piece of cake later, or if I want to go to the shop and buy some chocolate tomorrow, or if I want to go to the supermarket and buy myself a buffet, then so be it. Make that food available to you in different ways.


If you choose not to have the food that's available at the time it's available, just know, just know in your head that that food is not gone forever. You can have that some other time.


Also, when you're choosing food, do I want it? Yeah. Will it satisfy me is the next question? Will it satisfy me? So there's a difference between wanting something and having it and wanting something and being satisfied by it.


If you think you really want it but you know you're going to feel a bit grotty after possibly don't have it. If you feel like eating the doughnuts...... I always say things that are typically unhealthy foods, don't I? They're not unhealthy. They're not junk food. They are just foods that lots of people demonise........ So if you think that by eating that donut, you are going to feel sluggish for the next hour, then is it a wise choice to eat it? Maybe not.


If eating that donut will satisfy you, even though you are going to feel sluggish for an hour, then that's a choice that you make, isn't it? That's your choice. You know what you're going to feel like when you eat it? That's perfectly fine. If it's going to satisfy you to eat it, go ahead. Go ahead.


If though you're going to eat some food and you know that it won't satisfy you, you're not really going to enjoy eating it, you're just going to eat it because you feel like you want it, but you know full well that in eating that food you're not going to enjoy eating it, you're not going to be satisfied by it, and then afterwards you're going to feel rubbish because that food just doesn't suit your body, then really, do you want to eat it, or do you want to choose something else? You always have a choice.


I think that applies in life. I tried to teach my kids that you always have a choice in a situation on the whole anyway, and your choice is do you want it? Will it satisfy you? Will you enjoy eating it? If that is yes, then go ahead.


If it's a no, then you have to choose whether you're still willing to eat it or not. Either which way those restrictions don't apply. The choice is whether you want it or not and whether it will satisfy you. Not how much will I have to give up? How much will I have to make up for this food after?


So on that note, that should be plenty to get the brain cogs ticking and start thinking about where in life we're making these restrictions. Where in life we think we're not dieting, but we actually still are dieting. And I hope that helps a little bit. It can be really hard to see the diet culture and the diet mentality in our day to day lives.


When we think that we've really given up dieting, we still carry a lot of these restrictions forward and it's a tough thing to shake off. Tough, tough, tough. It all takes a bit of work.


These things will pop up and creep into your head every now and again. I still have conversations with my friend about the whole bread thing. Can't have two lots of bread in a day, because that stands for an old diet thing that still creeps up into my head every now and again. I go ahead and I eat the bread because I know that that is an old diet talking to me, but it doesn't stop that thought popping up and being there. It's how you deal with that thought and how you rationalise it and get rid of it after. That's the main thing.


So on that note, and after hearing all of that, I hope that you can put some of that towards your thoughts on your Halloween goodies. Now, are you going to be putting restrictions in place or are you going to be saying, do you know what, if I want a couple of sweets out that bowl I'm going to have some. If I want to have a piece of that pumpkin pie, I'm going to have it and I am not going to make up for it after.


Okay, I am going to love you and leave you. Before I go, though, I just want to say thank you. Thank you. I set up my Buy Me a Cake last week. Do you remember that? Have you listened that episode yet? I have set up a Buy Me a coffee account and mine says, Buy Me a cake. It is a way for people to support the podcast and to support me doing this podcast for you because all these things cost time and money, right? All these things cost money and as much as I love providing this stuff for you, I do have to fund it.


It's just a little way that if you want to support the podcast, you can. The link is in the show notes, but I wanted to say thank you to my very first supporter this week. Thank you. It really does means such a lot and I am super grateful, and it's just lovely to know that you guys are right there and that you support me and you support the podcast and that you're enjoying it.


But as I said last week, there's no obligation to support me in that way. I just like hearing from you. I like the feedback. I like the conversation. I just like knowing that you guys are out there and that you enjoy it and you get something from it.


So that's what matters to me. But yeah, thank you to my very first supporter. That was quite a nice surprise when I saw the email pop up to say that it had been received. Thank you.


Also, the group sessions for November are all set. In November we are going to be talking about introducing nutrition gently into our diet. So not scary overhauling of our diets in order to get the best nutrition we can. It's about how we factor a bit of nutrition into our days while we're trying to repair our relationship with food. So that is one of the weeks this month.


We'll be talking about movement. We'll be talking about how to talk to your GP, about your weight. We'll be talking about whether food is addictive or not, and we'll be talking about social situations, because Christmas is coming and there's going to be lots of parties and things that people are going to have to contend with.


So there is loads going on in the group coaching sessions this month. The link is in the show notes. Have a little look. If you're interested, sign up. You can join instantly, and then you'll be ready to rock and roll this Tuesday session. Awesome, right?


That is it from me. I am going to let you get on with your day and I'm going to go get on with my day. So have a great weekend. Happy Halloween to you. I hope you have fun and I will speak to you next week. Bye.