Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity with Terri Pugh

135. Where I'm at right now... honestly

Terri Pugh Episode 135

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A quick update on where I am right now, and my plans for the next few weeks. 

Don't panic, I'm not quitting the show, but I do need to take a little break. Listen in and I'll tell you what my plans are for the podcast for while I'm away. 

Mop up your tears, know that I'm still here, and take advantage of the replays I'm going to share with you. Revisiting old episodes really can provide new insights and shine a light on some aspects of intuitive eating and body positivity that you might not have spotted yet. 

Thank you so much for the support and understanding that you lovely listeners always give me. I promise to return with fresh episodes in September.

Stay in touch though. Look at all these lovely links full of ways that you can still have me in your world. 👇👇

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A quick heads up - my transcriptions are automatically generated. For this reason there may be errors, incorrect words, bad spelling, bad grammar, and other things that just seem a little 'off'. You'll still be able to understand what is being said though, so please just ignore that and enjoy the episode.

Welcome to the Intuitive Eating and Body Positivity podcast. I'm Terry and I'll be talking about all things intuitive eating, body positivity and health at every size, and shaking off weight stigma, diet culture and food rules so that we can all have a better relationship with food and our bodies. Hello my lovelies, how are you? I'm pretty good, I'm pretty good. But you will have noticed that this episode is called Where I am at right now dot dot dot honestly. So this isn't going to be a big old woe is me episode, you know, I'm not here to bleat and moan and whinge about life, but I do need to be straight with you because I've been doing this podcast more than 3 years now, right? And so I feel like over the time we've spent together, I have been quite honest about things and you know that I like to be honest about life. I like to be honest about what's going on for me. And I think that's important because I want you to know that I am just like you in as much as I'm a normal human being right I'm not sat here just chatting on about how wonderful life is and how amazing intuitive eating is and how wonderful body positivity is and you know and all of these things and making you think that I have this amazing dream life and you're sat over there trying to achieve that. That's never been what the podcast has been about. I've always wanted to just be honest with you. So I've told you when I've had some low moments, I've told you when I've had some great times, I've never pretended that everything is just completely awesome, right? So I'm not going to stop that right now. And I'm going to tell you where I'm at. Things have been a bit sporadic on the podcast, you might have noticed lately. The past month or 2, I haven't really kept up with the weekly episodes the way I used to. It's been a bit hit and miss and I adore this podcast you know how much I love it but I've just been a bit snowed under with everything And it's meant that I haven't been able to put these episodes out as I would like to. Because I do, I really want to do it every week for you. But now what happens is I feel like I'm backpedalling a little bit. So when I do the episodes, I feel like I have to rush them. I feel like I have to just get them done for you and not put the thought into them that I would like to. I know it doesn't sound like a lot of thoughts goes into these episodes sometimes but I promise you they do. I do put thoughts into it and I don't like it when I can't do that for you. So you'll notice that my routine has slipped a little bit and I'm just... Yeah I feel like you know you know the kind of the duck and the duck looks like it's gracefully swimming along on this pond and underneath its legs are going like 10 to the clappers like peddling really hard just to keep the board duck moving that's what I feel like at the moment I feel like I'm peddling really really hard just to get things done. And I'm feeling a little bit burnt out by it, I guess. There's an awful lot going on in the business. I've got a lot to focus on. You guys know that I do this part time too. I don't do this full time, which adds extra pressure. There's lots of development stuff I want to do for the clients, for my membership. You hear me talk about it from within, I want that to be as good a space as it can be for everybody. And my personal coaching, I want to have the energy to do that. And something has got to give. Something's just got to give, right? And I feel like I need to make some sensible decisions and take a little bit of a step back with a few things. So, you know, everything is fine and I am genuinely well. I just feel a little bit overwhelmed by everything at the moment. So, as I said, I have been doing this for 3 years, more than 3 years now, this podcast and I love it. I really, really love it. But something, something's got to take a step back and it's going to be the podcast for a few weeks. So I'm not quitting, right? Don't panic. I mean, maybe you're not panicking. Maybe you're just like, Oh, thank God she's going to stop talking. Oh no, she's not. I am not quitting on you. Right. I'm always going to be here. This podcast is going to be here. I'm not going anywhere. I'm just need to take a break. So here's my plan. I'm going to take the rest of July and August off doing the weekly recordings. So I'm not going to record another episode now until the end of August. I won't let the podcast go quiet though. I'm just going to use this as time to get back on track and catch up. So here's what's going to happen. I'm going to release some older episodes, right? We're what 135 episodes in now. Unless you've been here since the beginning, there may be a few episodes that you have not got your hands on yet, not got your ears on. So there are some awesome episodes that have got really great feedback. I can see from my clever little system that there are some episodes that have got way more listeners than other episodes. I'm going to release some of those more popular episodes for you. I'm gonna re-release them. You will see it in the listings. It will say 1, 3, whatever, replay or something like that. And then the episode title. So if you really have listened to the back catalogue of everything, you don't need to worry about listening to it again. But you can do because these things are always good to refresh your memory, right? I have said multiple times before, I don't know on the podcast, but I do say to a lot of people that when it comes to intuitive eating work, when it comes to body positivity work, the first time you hear these messages, they hit home a certain way. So when you first learn about the principles of intuitive eating, for example, you will hear them a certain way. When you've been intuitive eating for a while, you come back and you re refresh your mind on the principles and they hit home a little differently then. You hear them slightly differently, you read them slightly differently, you know, wherever you're getting that information from, and you see the information applied to you on a deeper level. So if you have already listened to these episodes, why not listen to them again? Because you might get a different message this time. It might hit you differently this time. You might be further on in your journey and so you'll hear more details. You'll read more into it than you did when you were just taking in all this new information. So why not give them another listen? And if you haven't listened yet, well, it saves you scrolling back 100 odd episodes. So take advantage of these replays and take a listen to them because they will be good. They will be good for you. I'm going to take this time to catch up with a few things. I'm going to plan some new episodes. I'm going to get some new guest speakers on and that sort of thing. And so the replays will end at the end of August. And when I'm back from my actual summer holiday, when I'm back from jet setting, yes I'm going away at the end of August, when I'm back I'll be recording some new episodes so it might be, it might be, yeah I'll plan to record 1 just before I go and then hopefully I'll get some brand new fresh episodes with you for yeah first week of September all being well. So how does that sound? Listen to the replays, catch up, I'm really genuinely not quitting. I'm still going to be here. I just need a little break. Just need a little break. I need to sit out in the sun without thinking, what am I going to talk about this week? I need to not be juggling the things on my working days anymore and, you know, half-arsing all of them. So that's all I want to say really. I thank you for being here all the time. I love that you're so invested in this podcast and just know that I need this break and it's going to be good and I will be coming back really soon. This time will fly by. It'll be like I've never gone away. I really genuinely love you guys and thank you. I really appreciate your support. Send me some messages, tell me what you think of the replays, tell me if they've affected you differently this time around. I'm not disappearing off the face of the planet, I'll still be on the end of social media and emails and stuff. So yeah, send me send me a messages because I'll still be here and I'll still be replying. And thank you. Thank you for your understanding. I really appreciate it. Really, really appreciate it. And if you don't understand and you're mad at me, well, soz. I can't do nothing about that. I can't do nothing about that. What kind of English is that? I can speak better England than that. Yes. So if you're mad at me, don't message me. I don't want to hear it. I just need a break, guys. I need a break. I will get scheduling those new episodes for you and then I will speak to you really really soon it'll fly by I promise I'll speak to you in September but stay in touch with me I'm still I'm still around all right take it easy I'll speak to you really soon lots of love bye bye