Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity with Terri Pugh
Welcome to the Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity Podcast with Terri Pugh, a space for you to find out more about Intuitive Eating, learn how to ditch the diets for good, and improve your body confidence. We're talking about Intuitive Eating, body positivity and body confidence, Health At Every Size, and why everyone should be ditching dieting for good in order to improve their relationships with food. Find out more about what I do at https://terripugh.com, subscribe on YouTube at https://terripugh.xyz/youtube, follow on Instagram at https://terripugh.xyz/instagram, and join the Facebook group at https://terripugh.xyz/facebookgroup.
Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity with Terri Pugh
142. Making space for the new you
This week, I'm talking about making space for the new you. It’s all about creating an environment that uplifts and supports the person you’re becoming, not the one diet culture tried to shape you into.
From your kitchen cupboards to your wardrobe (and even your mindset), little changes can make a big difference. In this episode I want to help you explore your surroundings and how to make them reflect your new, unapologetic self - without overwhelm or a massive budget.
Here’s what I’m chatting to you about this week:
✨ Clearing out the kitchen clutter and swapping diet-focused tools for things that bring you joy—yes, I’m looking at those scabby old containers!
👗 Saying goodbye to clothes that don’t fit or spark joy, and making your wardrobe a space you love opening every day.
🍽 Creating an eating space that makes meals feel enjoyable, whether it’s swapping out chipped plates or upgrading to cutlery you actually like.
💡 Sprucing up your home with lighting, organisation, or little touches that make your spaces feel brighter and more “you.”
🧠 Making emotional space by clearing out negative thoughts and building in small, positive routines like gratitude or joy jars.
This episode is packed with practical tips to help you create a home (and a headspace) that’s as fabulous as the new you. Are you ready? Hit play >>
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A quick heads up - my transcriptions are automatically generated. For this reason there may be errors, incorrect words, bad spelling, bad grammar, and other things that just seem a little 'off'. You'll still be able to understand what is being said though, so please just ignore that and enjoy the episode.
Welcome to the intuitive eating and body positivity podcast. I'm Terri and I'll be talking about all things intuitive eating, body positivity and health at every size and shaking off weight stigma, diet culture and food rules so that we can all have a better relationship with food and our bodies. Happy December. December. It's December already, can you believe that? It's flying by. It means it's nearly Christmas. I love Christmas. I love Christmas so much. All the decorations are up now. Not in here. Not in the office. Maybe I should start decorating my office. This is the first Christmas that I've had an office, so I didn't even think to decorate it until I'm talking to you now. But, yeah, maybe I'll get some. Maybe I'll get some decorations. I've got my lights. I've got my sparkly lights around the room, but they're always up, so that's nothing new. Right, by the time I record next week, I'm gonna have some Christmas decorations up in here. Let's get festive in the office too. Uh, I love Christmas. I'm so excited for it. I hope you are feeling good about Christmas this year. I hope that you have been listening to me in your little ear holes for long enough now that you feel a bit better going into Christmas. About food and about drink and about exercise and the new year and your party outfits and all that sort of stuff. I really hope that you do feel better about it. If you don't, if you still need some support, if you need some kindness, some compassion and a bit of a kick up the bum from me to get you in the right mindset for Christmas and New Year, then you know where I am. Please use the links in the show notes and have a look at the sessions that I can offer, just a one off session can really do you the world of good. So, I'm here if you need me, okay? Don't go through Christmas and New Year you know? Don't, don't struggle because there's people like me out here ready for helping you. okay, right, this week I've been thinking about the changes that I've had to make over my time being an Intuitive Eater, getting past binge eating, that sort of thing. And I consider myself to be a new me, right? I know New Year is all New Year, New You rubbish. I don't believe in that, I don't buy into that, right? What I do buy into is changing myself in a more positive fashion. So, not dieting, not trying to fit in with some kind of beauty standards, none of that. For me, the new me is letting go of binge eating, having a much healthier relationship with food, really healing myself in that way and being kinder to myself and being happier. And this is the new me. So, I was thinking about the changes that I've had to make to get there. And there's lots of things that I've had to do. There's lots of work that I've had to do. But while I was thinking about it, I realized that there's all this stuff in the environment around me that I had to change as well. A lot of this work is inner. It comes from the inside. It comes from, you know, your head, your heart, your soul. It's all part and parcel. But there is a lot around you that you can control. And change to make space for this new you that you've created or you're creating. Have you ever thought about how much your environment comes into play? It's, it's bigger than you think, right? When you're trying to get rid of all the dieting, all the rubbish that you think about yourself and your body, your negative thoughts, there's a lot that you need to change around you to help to make that happen. So when you start out, you're busy thinking about your hunger, your fullness, you're trying to figure out what you want to eat, what you need to eat, what you feel like you should eat, trying to get rid of the shoulds and replace them with wants and likes and, oh, you've got to think about how it satisfies you and Whether your food choices are really okay or not, and whether you're still eating in diet mentality, ah, there's a lot there, right? There's a lot to think about. And at the same time, you're trying to think about being kinder to yourself, whether you're body checking, you know, whether you're constantly thinking about the way you look and the way you feel, and what clothes make you feel good, and what acts of self care you can put into place and add to your day to help you feel a little bit better. And now here I am telling you that there's stuff in your environment to change as well. It's a lot, right? But it's important because you have to make space for this new you that you're creating. If you don't make space for it, you're going to try and be a new, uh, a new person and a new, no, that's not the right way to put it, is it? I was gonna say better you, I don't mean that. And I was going to say improved you, I don't mean that. I don't know what the right words are, but this new version of you that you're trying to shape yourself into, you have to make space for it. You can't have that new you in the same environment. It just doesn't work. So let me explain a little bit more. The furniture that you sit on, for example, that can really make you focus on your body. So if, for example, you sit in a chair that's got arms and the arms are a bit too tight. They're a bit too tight. You feel a bit squashed in. You feel like your body's kind of squidging out under the arms. That can make you focus on your body. The same with desk chairs and things. So, my desk chair has started playing up. The gas in it has gone, I think, and so, every now and again, the chair sinks down and I have to pump it back up. And it happens multiple times a day. Somewhere in me I'm going, am I too heavy for this chair? No, that's not the case, but do you see what I mean? The furniture that you've got, that you use, can make you think about your body. The clothes shops you visit, they can make you feel either included and catered for, or excluded because of your size. The mirrors in a dressing room and the lighting in a dressing room can make you feel like a million dollars, or can make you feel like you've just about scraped yourself together that day and you may as well have put a bin bag on for what it's worth. It really can make that much of a difference. And it affects how you eat as well. Your environment affects how you eat. For example, the people that you eat with, they can affect your food choices, your menu choices. If you go out to eat, it can affect the amount you eat. It can affect the way you talk about your food, that sort of thing. The size of the plate too, that can affect how much food you eat. Naturally, we try and fill a plate, right? So if you've got a huge dinner plate, I have, my dinner plates are massive, I find that I end up putting more food on them because naturally, we want to fill that space. We want to look like we're having enough food. If I had smaller dinner plates, would I eat so much? I don't know. Possibly not, because the space to fill is less, so the size of the plate can affect how much food you eat. The place you sit, the place you choose to sit and eat, can affect your enjoyment of the food. I am sure that you would rather sit in a lovely park on a sunny day with a picnic rather than try and eat that picnic in a car, in a lay by, at the side of a road, between meetings. Do you see what I mean? The enjoyment factor is very different in those two situations. And some of this is unavoidable, right? Some of this is totally out of your control. But there is a lot that you can do to make life easier and more pleasant. That's what it's supposed to be, right? This body positivity and intuitive eating lark, it's supposed to be good and enjoyable. And how is it ever going to be a success for you if it's always an uphill battle? You have to make room for this new you. You have to make space in your life for your newfound enjoyment of food. You have to make space in your bedroom for your new relationship with clothes and accessories and makeup and things like that. Your own reflection. Your partner and your intimate relationships. You have to make space in your kitchen for your new love of food and your new love of prep and your new love of baking. Yes, I promise you, you can love some of those things. You have to make space spiritually and emotionally for letting go of that old dieting mentality, for letting go of the you that you were fighting to be, that isn't really you. You have to make space for the acceptance of what you are, and who you are, and what you are becoming, and what you're letting go of, you know. So, what are the things you can control? Let me give you some ideas, alright? Let's start in the kitchen. So, you probably haven't noticed that your kitchen keeps you tied to all of those dieting habits that you wish you could shake. How many old, tatty containers do you have in your cupboards or lying around on the side? How many stained plastic tubs do you have, where the lids don't quite fit, if you can find the lids at all. They're a little bit discoloured and they're a little bit scraped and scratched because you've had them a million years. Um, or maybe they are old take away containers, that sort of thing, and you just kind of sling food in them to take to work with you and you sling food in them to put in the fridge. Well, they are not good for your enjoyment of food, right? They are not good for your enjoyment of prepping food, for your enjoyment of eating it if that's what you're taking to work with your lunch in, for the storage. I mean who wants to open the fridge and on the shelf is just all these mismatched scabby containers, um, may have lids, may not have lids, you know, who needs those? Wouldn't it be nice to have some lovely, new, pretty containers, or even just nice new clear containers? With lids that fit, that haven't warped in the dishwasher, that all look the same. They look nice on the shelf. You can stack them nicely.. If you go on Reels, or if you go on TikTok, there is all kind of fridge organisation porn that you can enjoy for hours on end. And it's just pretty organisation. Same with your cupboards. Open your cupboards. Do you want old bags of rice where, you know, every time you pick it up a few grains more fall out and end up in the cupboard? Uh, or pastas in bags with, with elastic bands wrapped around them, you know, to keep them tied up so that they don't empty out everywhere. That sort of thing. We've all got them, right? But what if you open the cupboard and in there, there was all these lovely containers with nice labels, um, that, you know, are you a typed label kind of a person? Or are you a chalkboard style, handwritten with a nice acrylic pen type person, you know? Whatever your style is, you can make your kitchen look lovely. Uh, the same with things on the work surface. So, have you got a tatty biscuit tin? That is an old tin that chocolates or biscuits came in and you thought, I'll keep that. It'll come in useful. And what you now use it for is storing biscuits or chocolates or treats or you know, whatever. Whatever you keep in it and then it's slung on the side in the kitchen. Well, what if that was a really nice biscuit tin? What if it wasn't a nice biscuit tin but it just wasn't kept out on the side? You know, that sort of thing. Same with utensils, right? Do you open your kitchen drawer? I will put my hand up to this one, by the way. Do you open your kitchen drawer and in there is mismatched utensils, Some have got, melted plastic handles from where you left them sitting in the frying pan while you were cooking and so the handle melted onto the edge of the pan. That can't just be me, right? Uh, or have you got nice matching ones that are all the same. They're all the same colour. They're all the same kind of set. They're a set. I haven't had a set of utensils for years. So, you know, some of mine are plastic, some of them are like a metal. I don't know, what is that metal? It's not steel. What is it? What is it? I don't know. Silver. Anyway, they're silver. I haven't got anything that matches really. So, how does that look to you? Do you enjoy losing a finger every time you go in that drawer? Or would it be nice to have some organisation in there? Or a sort out to get rid of the ones that you don't use anymore? Or the broken ones? The ones with the wobbly handles? You know, that sort of thing. Is it time you had a sort out of your utensils? So that you enjoyed that cooking a little bit more? It can just be as simple as tidying things. Organising your cupboards, tidying them up, giving them a bit of a clean out, you know, um, and the drawers, get everything out, get a hoover nozzle in there, get all the bits out, you know, give it a bit of a wipe around, put things back in tidily. It can be that simple. You don't have to replace things, you can just tidy them or make them nicer or organise them a little bit. You know, there's lots of ways you can make it more enjoyable a space to be in. Um, what about diet books? Cookbooks ? The things you picked up at diet club. Those books you picked up when you went to the diet club. Um, I used to have a shelf full of these things and then one day I'd bin them all because I'm not giving them to anybody else to subject that misery onto them. So I binned them all. I binned all of my diet cookbooks, and my shelf now has got nice cookbooks. Mostly nice cookbooks. There are some that were bought for me that I will never cook from because they're just not my style of cooking. But they're not diet cookbooks. And I've got beautiful books that are pastry books and oh, I love making sweet things. I love baking. I don't really enjoy cooking that much, but I love baking. So, the, the books that I've got, that I just open them and the pages are glossy and, and I look at these things and I'm like, oh that looks delicious. Oh guys, I really want to get back into my Sunday baking now, talking about this. Maybe I will. Maybe I'll start that again. But I want books on my shelf that inspire me now. That's what I want them to do. The way I've just thought about that book and gone, oh that's so lovely, I love that cookbook. I love the recipes in it. I love when I make things out of it. That's what I want those books on the shelf. So what does your cookbook shelf look like? Again, it doesn't have to be go out and buy a load of cookbooks. Just have things that make you feel good. So on my shelf is also this really, really old notebook. Really old notebook. And it was my nan's, and then she gave it to my mum, and then my mum gave it to me. And it is just a notebook. It's just an A5 notebook. But in it have got so many recipes. That my Nan used to write, because this is way before the days, obviously, of the internet and things. So when she found a recipe she liked, she would write it in. Hand wrote it in. It was lovely. That lives on my shelf. That book will be my pride and joy forever and a day. It's even got in there, right, a recipe which my daughter laughs at all the time because it says Jessica's Biscuits. And these biscuits are just the most plain biscuits, but she was very, very little and she'd made these biscuits. They weren't even very good. But she insisted that I put it in the notebook. So now when we look at that book, it's, it's a case of Jessica's Biscuits. Never again will I make that recipe. Never again will she make that recipe. We laugh about it because it's funny. It means something to me to have that book. And now it'll mean something to Jess as well when she has that book, and that's what I want my cookbooks to be. And if you do need new cookbooks, and you're going to bin all the, you know, the diety stuff, you can get them dirt cheap. Go on things like, um, go online and just on Facebook. Anybody got any cookbooks? I want some new recipe inspiration in my life. Um, or there are sharing sites like I use an app called I think it's Olio or Olio, I don't know how it's pronounced. But it's basically a food waste app, or prevention of food waste should I say. And now it's on a much bigger scale so there's lots of things in there like you can swap or give away household goods, that sort of thing. So you could put a wanted post in something like that saying, I'm looking for cookbooks. Or if you didn't want to do that and ask for them then go to a charity shop or go to a secondhand bookstore or there's lots of ways that you can get cookbooks. Or do a swap. If you're just sick of your cookbooks, why don't you do a swap with some friends or something? There's loads of ways you can get new cookbooks in your life. Oh, this is nearly a whole podcast episode in itself. Cookbooks isn't it. Um, what else? Let me just look at my list. What else? Oh, food. The food itself. So, if you are buying the same food week in, week out, you are going to be bored of the same food week in, week out. Well, maybe you're not, but for me, that's an issue. So, mix and match. Mix it up a bit. Get some new food in your trolley. Get some new food in your cupboards and your fridge. Just try something new. Maybe you could say, each time you go food shopping, you'll try something new. One new thing. You'd be surprised how that can expand the food that you eat. It can expand your enjoyment of food and the types of recipes that you cook, that sort of thing. It's all expanding to this new you, yeah? What about, what about the, the lighting and things in your kitchen? Now I'm not asking you to go and change all the electrics and put new light fittings and things in but if your, if your kitchen is a bit dull and a bit, um, I don't know what the word is other than dull. You know, maybe the lights just aren't bright enough. Change the bulbs. Get some nice, bright, cheerful bulbs in there. Or you can get the little sticky things that go up under the cabinets. You know, the nice lighting that goes under the cabinets and it's dirt cheap and you just stick it up under there and it looks like beautiful countertop lighting and you've gone and got clever with it and you've just stuck up some really cheap stuff. Using a kitchen that is nicely lit and makes you feel good about being in it will help your enjoyment of food. Always that the new you that you're creating has more space to enjoy being the new you, yeah? That's kind of what it's designed to be. Um, so what about, let me see, let me see, what about eating? So I talked for a little while about my plates, didn't I? Um, are your plates good? Chipped, mismatched, a bit grubby. Have you got enough of them? Are you all eating on different kind of things? Are you all eating with mismatched cutlery? What does your eating utensils and setup look like? The plates, the utensils, what do they look like? Do you enjoy putting your food on them? Do you enjoy the way your food looks when you've plated it? How are you eating? Are you eating on a tray on your lap? Are you even sitting down to eat? Are you rushing around? Are you sitting at a table? There's lots of ways that you can make the experience of eating so much nicer and this new you that you're creating enjoys food, enjoys eating, enjoys taking their time over their meal, that sort of thing. So what does that look like for you? What does that new you look like and what space do you need to create for that to happen? Have a little think about that one. Um, what about bedroom? What about the bedroom? Clothes. Let's start with clothes. Ugh. Do you open your wardrobes and it is full of clothes that you hate? You open it and you think there is nothing there that I want to wear today. Nothing. It is a mess. You cannot see anything. You've just kind of thrown things on the shelves or if you don't have a wardrobe and you've got drawers, you've just like, you squeeze them all in and you push them in and as you, you know, when you open the drawer and all the clothes kind of cling to the back of it because, you because it's just dragging and you're like, oh god, you've got to wedge your arm in there and squash it all down to try and open the drawer properly and is that how your wardrobe and your drawers look? Can you not find anything? Can you not see what you've got? Uh, and if you can see what you've got then do you just not like them? Is that how it feels to you? Is your jewellery all messy? Is it kind of slung in yet another old biscuit tin. Oh, please tell me you don't keep your jewellery in a biscuit tin. That would be very sad. But, have you got a nice jewellery box? Or a nice display with your jewellery hanging up? Uh, have you got your earrings sorted into pairs? Or are they just kind of thrown in and you pick some earrings and then you try and find some backs to go on them at some point, you know? What does your jewellery look like and your makeup and your deodorant and perfume and makeup remover and all that sort of thing? How does it look? How does it look? Does it make you want to sit down and make yourself look nice for the day? And when I say make yourself look nice, I don't mean that you have to sit down and dress yourself up every day. You do not have to wear makeup. I just want you to enjoy your morning routine and your evening routine. I want you to start the day feeling good. Not start the day having to rummage through things to find things that you like and then, you know, scrabbling around for some cotton wool balls so that you can take last night's makeup off, that sort of thing. You should enjoy getting ready. The new you. The new you that you would like to be while she enjoys getting ready in the morning, she enjoys getting dressed, choosing her clothes, putting on jewelry, putting on makeup, if that's your thing. She enjoys looking in a mirror that is not dirty and she enjoys choosing her perfumes or whatever that looks like for you. What does that new look like to you? And what do you need to do to create space for that? Is it just a case of tidying up some bottles? Giving them a little dust? Are they caked in dust? Giving them a little dust off? Having a bit of sort out? Get rid of your old makeup? Have you got Heather Shimmer lipstick hanging around in your drawer? If you know, you know, I loved a Heather Shimmer. Not anymore. It's not for me. So, this stuff has got to go, right? You don't have to hold on to the nostalgia of a 20, 30 year old lipstick, okay? Get rid of the old stuff. It's not good anyway, it's not hygienic for you to have old makeup, right? So, um, you can, again, get yourself some nice new stuff for very little money if you choose to, if you want to, if you can. Um, it's not about going out and spending money on all of this stuff. It's just about creating a space where you feel good about what you're doing. That's what the new you is about. That's what space you need to create for the new you. So, the clothes, you're going to have them nicely folded in the wardrobe. You're going to have them, I don't know, should we organise them? I've got mine in sections. So I've got trousers in one section. I've got clothes that I wear to work in another section. I've got jumpers and colder tops in another section. I've got my pyjamas and nightwear in another section. Do you know what I mean? And it's, there's nothing fancy about it. They're just shelves with my clothes folded up tidily. Um, but it means that if I'm looking for something, I know where to find it. I've got a nice basket with my scarves in. That's much nicer than slinging a load of scarves in with your socks and your pants, yeah? That's knickers to you in the States. I know pants are trousers to you. Um, let's just say I'm not stuffing my socks in with my trousers. Uh, no. So what do you need to do in the bedroom to clear that up? But also let's take it one step further. Do you make your bed? Right, do you get up in the morning and you make your bed? Because just that act of making your bed, making the room look a little more tidy, making your space a little more pleasant can give you a sense of achievement. You've done something today. If you've got out of bed and you've had a shower, if you choose to shower in the morning, and you make your bed, you have accomplished something that day. So, make your bed. It sounds silly. You might be there thinking, Oh, don't be ridiculous, Terri, everybody makes their bed. No, I promise you, not everybody makes their bed. Absolutely not. Um, you could look in my children's direction for that evidence. But no, not everybody does. And some people get to the point where you just don't have the capacity to do it, right? You get up, you feel a bit rubbish, and you just don't have the capacity. Make it a thing you do. If you do nothing else that day, make your bed. Same with lighting, same in the kitchen as in the bedroom. Have you got nice lighting? Does it make you, you know, want to chill out when you go to bed at night? Have you got nice lamps with some nice soft lights in there and you sit in bed and your room is tidy and you sit there and you think, this is lovely? Or do you sit in bed thinking, ah, these lamps are really bright. God, I must clear that chair, because there's a whole heap of clothes and I don't know what they are on there. And, um, I wish my husband would pick his stinking socks up from the side of the bed. And, do you see what I mean? You can choose what space you want to create for yourself. And these things take no money, no replacing or anything. It's just a case of making the space pleasant. You are not going to get up in the morning and feel good about yourself if the space that you are getting up into is not a space that encourages that. If you get up and you have to trample across a load of stuff to get to the door, um, that's not going to make you feel good. If you get up and it's a lovely, warm, cozy, whatever aesthetic you're going for, space that's, you know, tidy and clean and organised, god that makes you feel so much nicer about the start of the day already before you've even done anything. And then when you come to get into bed at night it's nice, it's comfortable. There is an old saying and it says tidy house, tidy mind. And there's a lot to be said for that. If the space you're in is tidy and it's not cluttered with mess and stuff that you don't want there, you're going to have a much clearer mindset and a much better approach to things. And then, the only other thing I think to talk about is headspace. You know, I've already said about the tidy rooms and things, but there's a lot that you can do to make space for your emotions and your ability to cope with life and to have positivity in your day. There's a lot you can do around that in the space that you're in. So, mindset work is obviously a, you know, it's a thing of its own, isn't it, but you can do things to encourage that in your day. So you can have a routine that says, right, in the evening I'm going to sit in my bed in my nice cozy bedroom that's nice and tidy with everything beautifully organised. God, this is sounding like a mission, isn't it? Uh, and I'm going to just write a little bit of a gratitude list. So before I go to sleep, I'm going to sit in bed and I'm going to write three things. that I'm grateful for that day. Or, I'm going to write three things that I appreciate about myself today. Or, three things that I am lovable today for. Or, three things that I did today that I'm proud of. You know, there's lots of different things you can do, but maybe you can mix it up and do one of those each day. You know, whatever. But, take some time in your day to acknowledge the change. Acknowledge your journey. Acknowledge this new you that you're stepping into and to praise it and to really appreciate the work that you're doing. I found this idea online as being called a joy jar and I like that. So it is a jar, an actual just glass jar, and it's got lots of messages of gratitude, of praise, of affirmation, all that sort of thing in this jar. And you could write those things and put them in there when you're having a good day, knowing that you're going to have a bad day one day and need a little bit of a pep talk. So on those bad days, on the days where you feel a bit rubbish about yourself, you could go to your joy jar and you could take out a message for yourself and read it. And it's almost like when you write these and put them in the jar for future you you're writing from a place of this new you that you're making space for. So when you feel really good, write some of these messages, pop them in a jar. Tell yourself how wonderful you are. Tell yourself how beautiful you are. Tell yourself how worthy you are. And then on the days where you don't feel those things, you can just dip in, pull one out, and have some words of affirmation and a little bit of a boost for you for the day. I thought that's a really cute idea. I really like that. But that's making space for you and your mental development around all of this. Who do you want to be? Right? This is the big question. When you're thinking about all of these things, who do you want to be? Who do you want to become? What is this new you? What is the version of you that you're making space for and where do you need to make space for it? You don't have to overhaul everything in one go. I mean, you can if you want to, but to do your house top to toe in a day is a big ask. But you might do a little walk around the house and create yourself a bit of a list and go, right, in the bedroom these are the things I'd like to work on, in the kitchen these are the things I'd like to work on, um, and just have a little bit of a checklist that you can work on, you know. You can tick the odd thing off here and there. You can build on it, but it's all making space for this new you that you want to be and whatever that looks like is up to you. Whatever you're happy with is entirely up to you, but you've got to make space to move into. So what are you going to make space for? What are you going to start with today? If you did one thing today, what would it be? What will make the biggest difference to you? If you were going to make some changes today, what would make the biggest impact on your positivity, on how you felt, on your progression forwards? If you want me to help you figure it out, then I would love to help you. You can book a session with me. You know how to do it. All the links are in the show notes. I'd really love to help you. I love doing this sort of stuff. I love doing kind of what do they call them? I can't remember what the word is. This is frustrating. I can't remember what the word is. But you know, it's when you do a bit of a recce and you're like, right, what do we need to do? Let's create an action plan. And then you come out of it with some steps that you can take to move forward. It's just brilliant. It's my favorite bit of coaching is, is seeing the changes that come from things and it's all good. Right. Has that got you motivated? Has that got you good to go? Let me know how you get on. Please message me and let me know what you do, what changes you're going to make, what changes you do make, and how it makes you feel. I want to hear from you. Here's something exciting as well before we finish. Before you hear the next episode, this podcast will have hit a hundred thousand downloads. 100, 000 downloads! That is incredible. It's incredible. I am just so over the moon and thank you for being here and sticking around and um, I'll do, I'll do it properly when we've actually hit that 100, 000 but have you got any ideas for what I can do? Have you got any ideas for what we can do to celebrate this? I don't need to make a massive song and dance about it, obviously. Uh, yes we do. But! Let's celebrate something. Maybe I could do a giveaway. That's a good idea, isn't it? Right, I'm going to do a giveaway. So, when we hit 100, 000 downloads of this podcast, I will put out a post on social media. I'll send it out on email as well. If you're not on the email list, get on it because you don't want to miss it. You don't always see everything on social media. Remember, you don't see all the posts that everybody puts out. So use the link in the show notes, get on the email list because I will, when we hit 100, 000 downloads, put out an email that says we've done it and here's the giveaway. And, hmm, what could I do? Maybe I'll give away a free coaching session. Oh, would you like that? Does that sound good? Right, that's what we'll do. We'll do a giveaway. Thank you. I talked that one round. Thank you for your input. Okay, that's what we're going to do. Keep an eye out for it. Keep an eye out for the email. Keep an eye out for the post. But get on the email list if you're not on it already because I don't want you to miss the post if it goes out on social media. Just get on the emails and we'll do it there. Right, thank you. Have a great week. If you haven't put your Christmas decorations up and you celebrate Christmas, please go put some up. Make your life a little bit more sparkly. And I will see you next week. Take care. Bye.