Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity with Terri Pugh
Welcome to the Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity Podcast with Terri Pugh, a space for you to find out more about Intuitive Eating, learn how to ditch the diets for good, and improve your body confidence. We're talking about Intuitive Eating, body positivity and body confidence, Health At Every Size, and why everyone should be ditching dieting for good in order to improve their relationships with food. Find out more about what I do at https://terripugh.com, subscribe on YouTube at https://terripugh.xyz/youtube, follow on Instagram at https://terripugh.xyz/instagram, and join the Facebook group at https://terripugh.xyz/facebookgroup.
Podcasting since 2021 • 149 episodes
Intuitive Eating & Body Positivity with Terri Pugh
Latest Episodes
148. He’s punching!! Pressures of the male gaze
Have you ever heard the phrase “He’s punching above his weight” and stopped to think about what it really means? It’s often said as a joke, but underneath it lies a deeper issue—the idea that a woman’s worth is defined by how she looks...
Episode 148
147. 3 reasons why it's so hard to stop dieting
Have you ever wondered why it’s so hard to let go of old habits, even when you know they aren’t really helping you? You might recognise that dieting makes you miserable, but you keep going back. Or maybe you’re fully aware that constantly body-...
Episode 147
146. Are you justifying your diet? Let's talk about those excuses!
Have you ever caught yourself explaining your diet to someone? Diet culture has convinced us that we need to justify what we eat and why we eat it, and some of those justifications are downright ridiculous! In this episo...
Episode 146
145. The celebs and influencers let us down
Over the years, we’ve seen celebrities and influencers championing body positivity, rejecting diet culture and embracing self-acceptance. Many of us found comfort in their messages, feeling seen and supported in our own body positivity journeys...
Episode 145